未经船东同意承租人是能从租金中扣减-评The Anna Dorothea [2023] EWHC 105 (Comm)案-绿芒船员学苑

未经船东同意承租人是能从租金中扣减-评The Anna Dorothea [2023] EWHC 105 (Comm)案




   承租人对于船东主张租金只有三种允许的抗辩理由:(i) 对先前应计的停租进行调整的权利;(ii) 明确扣除租金的权利;(iii) 衡平抵消。因此,原则上船东有权对任何租金索赔进行简易判决,除非承租人可以证明其中一项抗辩。然而虽然租船合同的条款可能会减少或排除抗辩,但无折扣或在船东没有同意的情况下不得扣减的付款条款则意味着提前付款没有折扣或承租人不得扣减[6]

  在最近的The Anna Dorothea[7]案中,就涉及到条款明确规定在没有船东明确同意的情况下,承租人不得做任何扣减的问题。


Notwithstanding of the terms and provisions hereof no deductions from hire may be made for any reason under Clause 17 or otherwise (whether/ or alleged off-hire underperformance, overconsumption or any other cause whatsoever) without the express written agreement of Owners at Owners' discretion. Charterers are entitled to deduct value of estimated Bunker on redelivery. Deduction from the hire are never allowed except for estimated bunker on redelivery…

   该船在印度Visakhapatnam装载一批铁矿球团运往中国,承租人安排到岚桥卸。船舶于202154日抵达岚桥,但没有泊位;结果货没有卸下,承租人直到 2021828日才将船舶交还给船东。除了2021522日至26日的五天期间外,承租人在202154日至828日期间没有为该船支付任何租金。他们争辩说该船于202154日停租并一直停租。此后,基于三名船员在 202151日对Covid进行了快测结果呈阳性,因此承租人可以依赖第67条停租。第67条规定如下:

Clause 67.BIMCO terms

Notwithstanding anything within this charter party, the riders, the recap, and/or the "BIMCO infections or contagious disease clause for time charter parties" and/or its equivalent, in the event any member of the crew or persons (except those on charterers’ behalf) on board the vessel is found to be infected with a highly infectious or contagious disease and the vessel has to (i) deviate, (ii) be quarantined, or (iii) barred from entering any port, all time lost, delays and expenses whatsoever shall be on owners' account and the vessel shall be off-hire.


   仲裁员接着解释了为什么船东对承租人的事实立场提出异议是合理的。仲裁员指出,虽然承租人声称该船从 202154日至828日停租了将近四个月,但迄今为止的证据表明该问题至少在513日之前已经结束。因此仲裁庭的结论是,船东有合理的理由对船舶停租的说法提出异议,并因此拒绝书面许可扣留租金。仲裁员因此判给船东以租金方式索赔的金额,但不影响承租人此后对该金额的全部或任何部分提出反诉的权利,并相应地保留管辖权以及决定所有其他未决事项的管辖权。



i) 法院必须决定一个通情达理的人,在拥有当事人本可获得的所有背景知识的情况下,会理解他们使用合同中的语言表达什么意思。法院通过关注相关词语在其文献、事实和商业背景中的含义来做到这一点。必须根据 (a) 条款的自然和普通含义,(b) 合同的任何其他相关规定,(c) 条款和合同的总体目的,(d) 双方在订立合同时已知或假定的事实和情况,以及 (e) 商业常识[9]

ii) 法院必须在整个合同的背景下确定所用语言的客观含义,并根据合同的性质、形式和质量,或多或少地考虑更广泛的背景的客观意义[10]

iii) 解释的单一执行是一个迭代过程,通过该过程根据合同条款、商业常识及其商业后果检查竞争性解释。每个因素对法院执行任务的帮助程度将根据特定协议的情况而有所不同。精密复杂的协议或在熟练专业人员的协助下协商和准备的协议应主要通过文本分析来解释[11]


  1. i)      根据定期租船合同,延误风险基本上由承租人承担,承租人仍有责任支付租金,除非根据停租条款解除了义务[12]

  2. ii)    停租条款是例外条款的一种形式。承租人有责任使自己符合条款的明文规定;并且,在所有其他条件相同的情况下,对停租条款含义的疑问将以有利于船东的方式解决[13]

  3. iii)   承租人在到期日或之前支付租金的义务是一项绝对义务。如果未按时支付租金,则根据 NYPE 表格的第 11 条,船东有权撤回船舶,这反映了定期收到租金对船东的重要性[14]

  4. iv)    在没有明确的相反规定的情况下,船东有权在到期日要求全额支付任何预付租金,即使很明显永远无法完全赚取(例如,因为船舶将在租金支付的期间内还船)。同样,承租人不能以船舶将在预付款涵盖的期间内停租为由拒绝支付租金(例如,由于商定的未来维修期)。这避免了对即将到来的时期可能到期的租金金额进行估计的需要,这种估计有被事件伪造的风险。这不会损害承租人的利益,因为承租人对任何超额支付的金额拥有对船舶的留置权[15]

  5. v)      在没有任何相反的合同计划的情况下,如果对停租有争议,承租人可以通过从其支付的租金中扣除来行使自助形式。这可能会中断预期的现金流,从而给船东带来压力,但也会让承租人面临船东撤船的风险,而租金的扣除最终被认为是不合理的[16]

  6. vi)    因此有必要找到一种方法来确定,至少在临时基础上,(a)承租人在冒撤船风险之前可以扣除哪些费用,以及 (b) 尽管提出索赔,船东何时可以要求承租人立即支付租金。法院设计的解决方案是允许承租人临时进行扣减,前提是它可以证明扣减时是出于善意和合理的理由(这些要求适用于扣减是否根据衡平法抵消或租船合同的明示条款)。如果承租人不能证明这些要求得到满足,那么它必须临时向船东支付有争议的租金,尽管不影响其在正常程序中通过法院或仲裁裁定其针对船东的交叉索赔的权利[17]


  7. 行嵌在第11条租金支付条款的中间,这倾向于强调其在租船合同支付条款方案中的重

  8. 要性,正如其开篇词尽管有本协议的条款和规定所强调的那样。值得注意的是,在

  9. 明确其总体适用范围的同时,第146行将第17条(停租条款)列为符合条件的条款。这

  10. 一点很重要,因为第17条的主要目的不是允许抵扣多付的租金:相反,第23条规定承

  11. 租人有权立即退还任何多付的租金,并对所有预付而不是赚取的款项留置船舶。第17

  12. 条主要针对先前的问题,即租金是累积还是完全停止累积。该条款中唯一专门针对从

  13. 其他情况下到期的租金付款中进行扣除的部分是最后一部分:

  14. “如果在航行中由于船体、机器或设备的任何部分的缺陷或故障而导致航速降低,损

  15. 失的时间、因此消耗的任何额外燃油的费用,以及所有直接相关的额外费用 实际支付

  16. 的费用……只有在与船东就数字(成本、时间、燃油)达成协议后才能从租金中扣

  17. 除。”

  18.   然而,第 17 条的那部分明确包括其自己的定制条款,要求船东书面同意[18]

  19.   Henshaw法官认为第146行的措辞,“不得以任何理由根据第17条或其他原因(无

  20. 论是……被指称停租表现不佳、过度消耗或任何其他原因)……”表明它针对的是整

  21. 个第17条,不仅仅是根据上面第34条引用的部分进行扣除(考虑到该部分已经禁止未

  22. 经船东同意进行扣除,这无论如何都没有意义),而且不仅仅是根据以下权利进行的

  23. 扣除,收回第23条规定的多付租金。换句话说,从整体上看,第146行中对“扣除”的

  24. 限制适用于根据第17条或由于第17条而产生的任何权利的行使,以减少(全部或部

  25. 分)基于以下条件船舶停租的租金付款。第17 作为一个整体是第146行的主要目标这一事实清楚地表明,第146行旨在限制根据第17拒绝支付租金的其他权利[19]


   Henshaw法官认为正如仲裁员指出的那样,插入这样的条款有充分的商业理由,以保护船东不会因船舶停租的潜在虚假指控而损失关键的租金收入。相反,承租人保留重要的补救措施 ,正如船东指出的那样。船东在决定是否同意所谓的停租时没有不受约束的自由裁量权:如前所述,他们必须出于合同上适当的目的行使自由裁量权(因此必须对扣除有真正的争议) 和理性的。此外,根据第 23条,承租人对任何多付的租金有交叉索赔(“任何多付的租金或多余的押金将立即退还”),并且该交叉索赔由船舶留置权担保,因为它会属于第 23 条中“预付但未赚取的款项”的范围[21]


i)条款没有任何歧义,因此有必要诉诸 FG Wilson (Engineering) Ltd.案中提到的那种假设。注意到在该案的第 85段,Popplewell法官补充说 “起草人的意图必须从所使用的全部语言中确定”和“如果条款明确限定了付款义务,则可以很容易地解释为足够清楚有效”。以此类推,此处第146行明确限定了停租条款并强化了第11条的付款义务。

ii) 考虑到租船合同修正案的草拟草率,怀疑仲裁员假设他们不是由律师起草是正确的。此外,承租人引用的使用“保留”一词的例子都涉及很可能由律师起草的合同。无论如何,这些观点都不是很重要。关键是在第146行和整个租船合同的背景下,“扣除”一词应该如何解释。

iii) 不同意承租人所主张的仲裁员错误地认为第146行的强调语言(“出于第 17 条下的任何原因或其他原因”)支持他们的结论。它确实有助于阐明“扣减”一词的含义,因为它支持第146行针对的观点,除其他外,第17条作为一个整体本来会产生的效果。

iv) 不同意承租人所主张的仲裁员拒绝承租人提交的意见是不正确的。第 146行仅适用于抵扣和交叉索赔,基于“停租不通过抵扣运作或交叉索赔”。同意承租人的观点,第23条的最后一句和Carver §7-462表明产生了抵消多付租金的权利。然而第17条的效力比这更广泛,因此第146行具体限制了第17条的适用这一事实支持了仲裁员的结论。

v) 仲裁员认为承租人对第146行的处理方式会严重破坏它是正确的。尽管抵扣权限制具有一定的重要性,但与船东在没有承租人拒绝在到期日支付租金的风险下收取租金的权利相比,它的效力要低得多。当租金每5天支付一次时,这种权利可能特别重要:根据承租人的方法,所谓的任何重要期限的停租期都会迅速导致在到期日停止支付租金,从而使对抵扣的限制在很大程度上无关紧要。

vi)不接受承租人的论点,即船东受到本案中提出的那种索赔的权利的充分保护。即使使用本案中部署的快速程序,船东也花了数月时间才于 2021  12  20 日收到关于 2021  5 月、月、月和 8 月未付租金的仲裁裁决。这些实际事件仅说明了在签订合同时显而易见的情况,即任何仲裁补救措施至少需要几个月的时间。与此同时,当然,船东的所有日常运营和融资费用将继续发生。








[1] The Ilissos (1948) 82 Ll.L.Rep.196 (C.A.), per Bucknill L.J. at p.199.

[2] Time Charters, 7th ed, Informa Law, at para.16.3.

[3] The Petrofina (1948) 82 Ll.L.Rep.43 (H.L.), per Lord Wright at p.53.

[4] Carver on Charterparties, 2nd ed, Sweet & Maxwell, at para.7-472.

[5] The Lutetian [1982] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.140; The Caravos Liberty [2020] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.53.

[6] Carver on Charterparties, 2nd ed, Sweet & Maxwell, at para.7-475.

[7] The Anna Dorothea [2023] EWHC 105 (Comm).

[8] The Anna Dorothea, per Henshaw J. at [20]:

Arbitration awards are to be interpreted in a reasonable and commercial way, rather than with a meticulous legal eye endeavouring to find inconsistencies and faults (MRI Trading v Erdenet Mining Corp [2013] EWCA Civ 156 § 23).

[9] The court has to decide what a reasonable person, having all the background knowledge which would have been available to the parties, would have understood them to be using the language in the contract to mean. The court does this by focussing on the meaning of the relevant words in their documentary, factual and commercial context. The meaning has to be assessed in the light of (a) the natural and ordinary meaning of the clause, (b) any other relevant provisions of the contract, (c) the overall purpose of the clause and the contract, (d) the facts and circumstances known or assumed by the parties at the time that the contract was made, and (e) commercial common sense. (Arnold v Britton [2015] UKSC 36, [2015] AC 1619 § 15).

[10] The court has to ascertain the objective meaning of the language used, within the context of the contract as a whole and, depending on the nature, formality, and quality of the contract, give more or less weight to the wider context in reaching a view on objective meaning (Wood v Capita Insurance Services [2017] UKSC 24, [2017] AC 1173 § 10).

[11] The unitary exercise of construction is an iterative process by which rival constructions are checked against the provisions of the contract, business common sense, and their commercial consequences. The extent to which each factor will assist the court in its task will vary according to the circumstances of the particular agreement. Sophisticated and complex agreements or those negotiated and prepared with the assistance of skilled professionals should be interpreted principally by textual analysis (Wood v Capita §§ 11-13).

[12] Under a time charter the risk of delay is fundamentally on the charterer, who remains liable to pay hire unless relieved of the obligation under an off hire provision: The Eleni P [2019] EWHC 910 (Comm) § 11

[13] An off hire clause is a form of exception clause. The burden lies on the charterer to bring itself within the plain words of the clause; and, all other things being equal, doubts as to the meaning of an off-hire clause are to be resolved in favour of the owner: The Eleni P ibid..

[14]  The charterer's obligation to pay hire on or before the due date is an absolute obligation. If hire is not paid punctually, then under § 11 of the NYPE form the owner has the right to withdraw the vessel, reflecting the importance to the owner of the regular receipt of hire: Coglin & others, "Time Charters" (7th ed., 2014) § 16.3 (citing case law referring to § 5 of the 1946 form, the equivalent of § 11 in the 1993 NYPE form).

[15]  In the absence of express contrary provision, the owner is entitled to claim the full amount of any advance instalment of hire on the day it falls due, even if it is obvious that it will never be fully earned (e.g. because the vessel will be redelivered during the period covered by the hire payment). Likewise, a charterer cannot withhold hire on the basis that the vessel will be off hire during the period covered by the advance payment (e.g. because of an agreed, future period of repairs). This avoids the need for an estimate of the amount of hire that may be due in the forthcoming period, an estimate that is at risk of being falsified by events. This does not prejudice the charterer because it has a lien on the vessel for the amount of any overpayment (such lien was expressly provided by clause 23 of the NYPE form in this case): see Carver on Charterparties (2nd ed., 2021) § 7-454 and cases cited.

[16] Absent any contractual scheme to the contrary, in the event of a dispute over off hire, a charterer may exercise a form of self-help by making deductions from the amount of hire that it pays. That can put pressure on the owner by interrupting anticipated cashflow, but it exposes the charterer to the risk of the owner withdrawing the vessel and the deduction from hire ultimately being held to have been unjustified.

[17] It was therefore necessary to find a way of determining, at least on an interim basis, (a) what deductions a charterer can make before risking withdrawal of the vessel and (b) when an owner can demand immediate hire payment despite claims asserted by a charterer. The solution devised by the courts is to allow a charterer to make deductions on an interim basis only where it can establish that they were made both in good faith and on reasonable grounds at the time of deduction (those requirements applying whether the deduction is made pursuant to equitable set-off or an express term of the charterparty). If the charterer cannot show those requirements are satisfied, then it must pay the disputed hire to the owner on an interim basis, albeit without prejudice to its right to have its cross-claim against the owner determined in court or arbitration in the ordinary course: Carver §§ 7-511 to 7-512.

[18] The Anna Dorothea, at [34].

[19] Ibid, at [35]-[36].

[20] Ibid, at [37].

[21] Ibid, at [38].

[22] Ibid, at [39].

[23] The Darrah [1976] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.359 (H.L.), per Lord Diplock at p.362.

[24] The Gregos [1995] 1 Lloyd’s Rep.1 (H.L.), per Lord Mustill at p.4.

[25] Ibid, per Lord Mustill at p.4.

[26] In Krys v KBCPartners [2015] UKPC 46, a majority of the Privy Council declined to departfrom the natural meaning of the language simply because the result might be regarded as one-sided or unfair, and suggested that in the face of sufficiently clear language even an absurd result might have to be accepted.

[27] Wood v Capita Insurance Services Limited [2017] UKSC 24, per Lord Hodge at [13].

[28] The Pacific Voyager [2018] EWCA Civ 2413, per Longmore L.J. at [12].

[29] The North Anglia [1956] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.367, per Devlin J. at p.374.

[30]Vogemann v Zanzibar Steamship Co Ltd (1902) 7 Com.Cas.254, per Collins MR at

p.256. Also see John Weale, Off-Hire: A Study at p.55.

…to construe that which the parties have, in fact, said, and not to surmise what they may have meant to say…

[31] The Alresford (1942) 72 Ll.L.Rep.159 (C.A.), per Mackinnon L.J. at p165.

  • 发表于 2023-04-21 20:10
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