

1.All in good order 皆正常 2.Hose test 冲水试验,水密试验 3.Airtight test 气密试验 4.Chalk test 粉笔试验 5.Transillumination test 透光试验 6.Ultrasonic test 超声波试...

1.All in good order 皆正常

2.Hose test 冲水试验,水密试验

3.Airtight test 气密试验

4.Chalk test 粉笔试验

5.Transillumination test 透光试验

6.Ultrasonic test 超声波试验

7.Cargo Hold 货舱

8.Hatch 舱口

9.Hatch Coaming 舱口围板

10.Hatch Cover 舱盖板

11.Rubber Packing舱盖板橡皮真填

12.Drain Hole舱盖板漏水孔


14.Shock Absorber 压紧螺栓像皮球

15.Main Deck 主甲板

16.Access Trunk货舱出人通道

17.Access Trunk Opening货舱出入口

18.Ladder in Hold货舱梯

19.Australian Ladder 澳大利亚货舱梯

20.Tween Deck 二层甲板

21.Inner bottom Plating/Tank Top 舱底板

22.Manhole Cover 人孔盖


24.Bilge Well 污水井

25.Bilge well Cover污水井盖


27.Bilge Pipe污水管

28.Bilge Non-Return Valve 污水井止回阀

29.Bilge Strum Box污水井黄蜂窝

30.Hold Frame舱内肋板

31.Shell Plating船壳板

32.Transverse Bulkhead横隔堵

33.Longitude Bulkhead纵隔堵

34.Corrugated Bulkhead凹凸隔堵

35.Top and Bottom Connection隔堵与甲板/舱底板的联结构件

36.Sounding Pipe测深管

37.Air Pipe空气管

38.Pipe Cover管盖

39.CO2 Piping二氧化碳灭火管系


41.Ventilator Cover通风筒盖

42.Ventilation Trunking通风管系

43.Louvre Opening通风管系百叶窗开口

44.Hinged Cover百叶窗开口的铰链式盖板

45.Cargo Hold Cleaning货舱清洁

46.Cargo Hold Fumigating货舱熏蒸

47.Free of Odors无异味

48.Free from Infestation无虫害

49.Free of Cargo Residuals无残存货物


51.Loose rust 浮锈

52.Permissible length of compartment许可舱长

53.Factor of subdivison分舱因数

54.Solicitation, carvassion 揽货

55.Take delivery收货

56.Stowage plan, cargo plan配载图/积载图



59.Discharge, unloading卸载



62.Dunnage 衬垫


64. Lashing绑扎


66.Segregation, separation隔票

67.Direct cargo, through cargo直达货

68.Transhipment cargo转船货

69.Transit cargo过境货

70.Optional cargo选港货

71.Through transport cargo, through cargo联运货

72.Tonnage dues吨税

73.Customs duties关税

74.Clearance certificate结关单

75.Bonded store, bond room保税库

76.Customs seal关封

77.Break bulk cargo件杂货

78.General cargo杂货

79.Neobulk cargo件散货

80. Solid bulk cargo固体散货

81. Liquid bulk cargo液体散货

82.Refrigerated cargo冷藏货

83.Unitized cargo 成组货

84.Pelletized cargo托盘货

85.Ro/Ro cargo滚装货

86.Dangerous cargo危险货

87.Noxious cargo, harmful cargo有害货

88.Containerized cargo集装货

89.Livestock cargo活动物货

90.Deck cargo甲板货

91.Coefficient of hold舱容系数

92. Measurement ton容积吨

93.weight cargo计重货物

94.Measurement cargo容积货物

95.Stowage factor积载因数

96.Bale capacity包装容积

97.Bulk capacity, grain capacity散装容积

98.Broken space, broken stowage亏舱

99.Declaration 宣载书

100.Additional cargo加载

101.Cleaning of Hatches 扫舱

102.Cargo area装货区域,货区

103.Cargo boat note卸货记录

104.Cargo book订舱/(租船代理人的)货物登记册

105.Cargo carrying barge货驳

106.Cargo carrying capacity (额定)装货量,净载货吨位,装货能力

107.Cargo carrying vessel(载)货船

108.Cargo characteristics货物特性

109.Cargo claim货物理赔

110.Cargo cluster light货舱移动丛灯

111.Cargo delayed到货延误

112.Cargo delivery notice 提货通知

113.Cargo delivery receipt 交货收据

114.Cargo destined指定货物

115.Cargo documents货运单据

116.Cargo expenses装卸费用/货物费用

117.Cargo net 吊货网兜

118.Cargo list 装货单

119.Cargo information 货物信息

120.Cargo type 货物类型

121.Cargo turnover 货物周转量

122.Cargo receipt货物收据,收货单

123.Cargo receiver受货人

124.Cargo record book货物记录簿

125.Cargo requirement货物要求

126.rCargo eservation货载保留

127.Cargo residue残余货物

128.Cargosecuring arrangement货物系固装置

129.Cargo securing code货物系固规则

130.Cargo securing declaration货物系固申报

131.Cargo securing manual货物系固手册

132.Cargo sheet(码头)收货单,货物计数单

133.Cargo sheet clerk船舶货运员

134.Cargo shifting expenses倒舱费,翻舱费

135.Cargo shipping orders货物装船指示,货运单,发货单

136.Cargo shortage货遗,货差

137.Cargo shortage or overloaded货差,货物溢短量

138.Cargo worthiness 适货

139.Cargo work 装卸作业

140.Draught survey 水尺计量

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