1. 悬挂…国旗的船舶
the ship under the flag of (国名全称)
the ship under the (国名形容词)flag
2. 从事国际(国内)航行的船舶
the ship intended for (engaged in ) international (domestic) voyages
3. 从事预定用途的船舶
the ship of the service for which it is intended
4. 航区受限制的船舶
the ship whose navigation area is restricted
5. 入本社船级的船舶
the ship classed with the Society
6. 新建船舶
newbuilding ship
7. 机械自航货船
non-propulsion(/non-self-propelled/non-propelled) cargo ship
8. 艉机型的船舶
Ship having machinery aft
9. 投入运营
be put in commission
be put into service
10. 船舶在正浮位置时
With the ship upright
11. 船舶在浮于水面的情况下
When the ship being afloat
12. 船舶在吃水12米时
When the ship being at the draft of 12m
13. 在艉部吃水为16尺的情况下
With a draft of 16 ft at the stern
14. 采取艏纵倾的状况下进行
carried out by making her head heavy
15. 离XX东北约11.5 海里处
at about 11.5 nautical miles northeast off XX
16. 近海 200海里内
Within 200 nautical miles off shore
17. 尾随(另一艘船舶)
In the wake of another ship
18. 避风处
at a place of refuge from wind
19. 下风、背风处
at leeward
20. 公证检验(无偏见)
a survey with prejudice
21. 公证检验
a notarial survey
22. 全面检验
an overall survey
23. 近观检验
a close-up survey
24. 到期或六个月内即将到期的项目
The items overdue or falling due within the next 6 months
25. 可在规定日期前后三个月内进行
caried out within three moths either way of the schedule date
26. 以循环检验方式进行特别检验
the special survey carried out on continuous survey basis
27. 船级检验与法定检验结合进行
the classification survey carried out in conjunction with statutory surveys
28. 修理检验与坞内检验同时进行
the repair survey carried out concurrently with docking survey