

救生艇释放程序 Lifeboat Launching Procedure   例如:  Example:      救生艇的释放:             Launching of Lifeboats:        救生艇的释放程序应根据操艇演练中已培训的放艇程...


Lifeboat Launching Procedure




Launching of Lifeboats:   


Launching of  lifeboats  must be  carried  out in  accordance launching proceduretrained during boat drills:    

1.     检查艇首缆销是否移开。

Check harbour pins removed.

2.     塞好艇底塞。

Insert drain plugs.

3.     传出艇首缆,向前挽牢在母船上。

Pass out toggle painter and make fastforward on the ship.

4.     放下登艇梯。

Lower embarkation ladder.

5.     确认绞车操纵手柄未啮合。

Ensure winch handle is not engaged.

6.     检查艇吊索是否牢固,绞辘滑车备妥。

Check tricing pendants secure and bowsingtackles ready.

7.     松脱救生艇固艇索, 确认所有绑扎钢丝都已解开

Release gripes, ensure lashing wires areclear.

8.     极其小心地以手动方式将刹车操纵杆抬高,把救生艇放至登艇甲板。不要让吊艇钢丝过于松驰,因为仅靠艇吊索不足以承受救生艇的重 量。

With great care lower life-boats toembarkation deck by manually lifting the brake operating lever. Do not let thefalls over-run. Tricing pendants are not strong enough to carry the weight ofthe boat.

9.     安放绞辘滑车;确认调节端在救生艇内。

Rig bowsing tackles; ensure fee ends aresecured inside the boat.

10.   同时松出艇吊索。

Release tricing pendants together.

11.   通知驾驶台救生艇已备好。

Inform the bridge that life-boat ready.

12.   旅客和船员登艇。确认所有人员都已入座。手和臂不能伸出艇外。

Passengers and crew to embark. Ensure everyone is sitting down.Hands and arms must be kept inboard.

13.   缓慢调节绞辘装置使救生艇离开船舷,然后解掉绞辘装置。

Ease the life boat out from the ship’s side with the bowsing gear, and then release bowsing gear.

14.   收到命令后,开始放艇。刹车全开。

When ordered, lower away. Brake to be fullyopen.

15.   当救生艇漂浮在水面上后,解掉前后艇钩,注意避开摇晃的艇钩。When the lifeboat is afloat, release fall blocks, take care toavoid the swinging blocks.

16.   母船放艇人员登艇,解掉艇首缆。

Embark the launching party and let go thetoggle painter.

17.   救生艇从大船驶离,仔细了望水中是否有幸存者。

Get the lifeboat away from the ship; keep agood look out for any survivors in the water.


In motor lifeboats the engine is started onorder from the boat Incharge.


Some of the additional precautions thathave to be taken when lowering/embarking on to the lifeboat:


All crew should be wearing life-jackets.


If available fenders should be rigged onthe outboard side of the lifeboat.


No one should stand between the falls andthe boat ends.

艇内人员应抓紧救生绳,另外,视情形应兼顾艇缆或固艇索具。Persons in theboat should grasp the lifelines, in addition to working the painters orboat-rope if necessary.


The painters or the boat rope should bekept taut when lowering the boat to the water line, to prevent the boat fromsurging.

在受潮流影响时,艇尾的艇钩应先脱开以防救生艇被“ Broaching-to”。Broaching-to 是表示急促打旋,倾侧和进水的术语。

The after block should be cast off first ina tideway to prevent the boat from broaching to. ‘Broaching-to’ is the termused for turning violently, heeling over and getting flooded.


The forward block is then cast off as theboat is making a slight headway.


When lowering the boat in heavy weather/heavy sea – the boat should be lowered on the crest of the wave. When the boatslides to the succeeding trough, her falls are automatically slackened by the boat’sweight. On rising to the next crest they are amply slack for rapid unhooking.


Note when performing all the three pointsabove, the painters should always be kept taut so that the boat does not getswamped away and remains alongside directly under the boat davits.


Boat hooks/ oars are kept ready to shearaway the boat from the shipside the moment it is cast off. The boat is thenmanoeuvred to safety away from the sinking vessel.

尽管在演练时,船舶是静止不动的,必须注意救生艇也可在母船在航时松 下和释放。母船的最大速度不得超过 5 节且负责放艇的船员必须进行过相 应的训练。

Though when practising drills, the ship isstopped and not moving it must be kept in mind that the boats could also belowered and launched when the vessel is underway. The maximum speed of the shipshould not exceed 5 knots and the launching crew should be suitably trained forthe same.





Lifeboat Recovery Procedure 




Recovering of the rescue boat and life boat


1.   操纵小艇到艇钩/滑车下面。两人准备抓住艇钩同时应防止人员被艇钩 打伤。

The boat is manoeuvred under thehooks/blocks. Two men must be ready to catch the hooks and prevent anybody frombeing hurt by the blocks.

2.  小艇前后同步挂上吊艇钢丝。

The boat is connected to the falls, foreand aft, simultaneously.

3.  小艇挂上吊艇钢丝后,立即开始收绞。

Hoisting of the boat is started immediatelyafter the boat has been connected.

4. 艇机停止。

The engine is stopped.

5.   当浮动滑车部分受力后,停绞。转环发生转向而将纽结的钢丝解开。

Once partial weight of the boat is taken bythe floating blocks, hoisting is stopped. The swivels are turned to remove anytwists in the falls.

6.  当船员在艇内正确入座并抓牢救生绳后,继续起绞。

Once the crew is properly seated in theboat holding on to the lifeline, hoisting is resumed.

7.  小艇被绞到吊艇架桁端时,系紧艇吊索。

The boat is hoisted to the yard arm of thedavits and the tricing pendants are fastened.

8.  放下小艇到与艇甲板面持平,拉紧小艇与艇甲板紧贴。

The boat is lowered until it levels withand is pulled tight to the boat deck.

9.  艇员和旅客离开小艇。

The crew and possible passengers leave theboat.

10.   小艇被绞到其储存位置并系牢。小艇应安坐在艇座上,重量由艇架顶部的挂钩承受。

The boat is hoisted into its stowedposition and secured. The boat must rest on the chocks and the weight to betaken up by the hooks on the davit head.

11.   打开艇底塞,整理附属设备和正确储存。

The drain plugs are removed and theequipment is cleared up and properly stowed.

12.   除了救助艇外,由于绞车的设计原因,救生艇不可以在满载状态下被起绞.

It may not be possible to hoist a fullyladen life boat other than a rescue boat as the hoisting winch may not bedesigned for this purpose.

(正常情况下救生艇回收装置的绞车马达功率仅增加某一补偿量使得救生 艇可以离开水面.对救助艇而言,该补偿量为艇体自重+6 人重量;对救生艇而 言,该补偿量仅为艇体自重+2人重量.请参考吊艇架的制造手册,从中获取绞 车马达的准确数据)

(Normally the Life boat recovery appliancewinch motor is designed to raise the boat from the water with its complement.For the Rescue boat this is the weight of boat + weight of 6 persons but for aLife boat this is the weight of boat + weight of 2 persons. Refer to davitmanufacturer's manual for exact details on winch motor)




Following is another example for shipswhere lifeboats are fitted with recovery arrangements.




Launching procedure:

1     储存位置.  固艇索到位,回收索具轻轻地用绳索捆住,悬垂的滑车带索固定好无阻碍。

Stowed position. Gripes on, recoverypennants lightly lashed up and hanging off strops secured out of way.


After embarking all boat occupants, thegripes are released and the boat swung out and lowered.

在小艇抵达水面时,在进行下一步行动前应将艇首缆送出带上母船 并调整保持受力(这样做并不是为了减轻吊艇钢丝的负荷)。

Before any further action the painter  must be passed out  and adjusted so as to be tight (but nottaking weight from the falls) by the time the boat reaches the water’s edge.

Insert here a detailed recovery procedurefor the lifeboats and rescue board on your ship and delete the followingexample.

2     降落:  将带有艇员的小艇降落至水面。在封闭式救生艇中,可通过小艇中的遥控释放装置控制放艇。

Lowering: the boat is lowered, withoccupants, to the water. In enclosed boats, control of the lowering can also beby the remote arrangements rigged to the boat.

3     脱钩: 一俟到达水面后,将小艇与吊艇钢丝脱离。

Release: once waterborne, the boat isreleased from the falls.

当艇钩清爽后,吊艇钢丝应由在甲板的人员绞高至回收索具的绳环 可以挂上吊钩的高度。随着吊艇钢丝的绞高,所有的掣索部分和回 收索具将下垂到它们完全伸展的长度。

Once the hooks have cleared, the fallsshould be raised by staff on deck to a position where the recovery pennantsmake a bight at a height suitable for engaging in the lifting hooks. As thefalls are pulled clear each stopping parts and the pennants will fall clear totheir full extent.


After disconnection the painter is releasedand the boat can be taken away.

小艇完全离开母船后,两端的脱钩装置应立即复位并检查位置是否 正确。

Immediately on clearing the ship the releasegear on the boat must be reset at both ends of the boat and checked for correctpositioning.


Recovery procedure:

4     连接. 小艇返回后,停驻在吊艇钢丝底下。

Connection. On return of the boat to thefalls the boat is positioned beneath the falls.

小艇两端的艇员应仔细地将每一端与回收索具连接。连接方法是握 住绳环的其中一边然后将其套入艇钩.

A seaman should be detailed to connect topennants at each end of the boat. This operation is carried out by grasping thebight on either side and placing it in the hook.

在使用自动脱钩的情况下,应在操作前全面检查自动脱钩装置,确保 正确设置就绪以承担负荷。从事检查的人员应完全熟悉脱钩装置的设置。

In the case of releasing types of hook,these must be thoroughly checked prior to this operation to ensure that theyare correctly set in readiness for taking weight. Persons making this checkmust be fully conversant with the settings of the releasing gear.

5     绞进: 当小艇连接完毕,应做下列绞进的准备:

Hoisting: when the boat has been connectedpreparations are made for hoisting.

当艇长确认小艇两端都已满意连接,向甲板的负责人员发出可以绞 进的信号。在绞升作业过程中,如有座椅安全带则艇内人员应系 好。

When the coxswain is assured that both endsof the boat are satisfactorily connected the signal should be passed to theresponsible person on deck to commence hoisting. During the hoisting operation,all occupants should be seated in the boat and, where provided, seat beltsshould be fastened.

装备有负载释放装置的小艇在刚离开水面后应停止上绞,全面检查 艇钩和相关装置以保证小艇的正确连接。当确认后可继续上绞。

Boats which are fitted with on-load releasegear will suspend the hoisting operation as soon as the boat comes clear of thewater. A thorough check of all hooks and associated gear will be conducted toensure the boat is properly connected. Once verified the hoisting can continue.


(通常救生艇的回收设备绞车马达是为救生艇连带其备品从水面绞升 而设计的。对救助艇而言,这就是艇重+6 个人员的重量。但对救生艇 而言,就是艇重+2 个人员的重量。为了解马达精确数据,请查阅吊艇架制造商提供的手册。)

It may not be possible to hoist a fullyladen life boat other than a rescue boat, as the hoisting winch  may not be designed for this purpose.

(Normally the Life boat recovery appliancewinch motor is designed to raise the boat from the water with its complement.For the Rescue boat this is the weight of boat + weight of 6 persons but for aLife boat this is the weight of boat + weight of 2 persons. Refer to davitmanufacturer's manual for exact details on winch motor).


Once the falls are hoisted “two blocks” tothe davits the effect on continued hoisting will be to luff the davits inboard.This swings the boat alongside the deck where occupants can be disembarked.


Re-stowing procedure

6     悬挂. 当所有人员离艇后,小艇可以进行悬挂了。

Hanging-off. After disembarking alloccupants the boat is ready for hanging off.

把小艇松回悬挂钢丝可以系接的位置。将已从存储状态中放松的钢 丝连接到小艇两端的悬挂耳上,这时小艇的重量即从吊艇钢丝转移 到悬挂钢丝。

The boat is lowered back to a positionwhere the hanging-off wires can be attached. The wires, having been releasedfrom their stowage, are connected to the hanging-off lugs at each end of the boat.The weight of the boat is then transferred from the falls to the wires.

7     重新储存. 将尼龙回收索具从挂钩上解下,吊艇钢丝松下来与链条连 接。必须注意在无负载情况下松出和检修吊艇钢丝时,要避免将卷筒 上的钢丝圈匝纠结。在收紧钢丝时,必须注意确保钢丝正确地排列在筒上以保证前后吊艇钢丝的位置均衡。这个步骤最好用手动摇把操 作。

Re-stowing. The nylon recovery pennants aretaken off the lifting hooks. The falls are lowered back and the chainsconnected. Care must be taken when lowering or overhauling falls without loadto avoid riding turns on the stowage drum. When taking up on the wires caremust be taken to ensure they are correctly aligned on the drum for evenpositioning between forward and after falls. This operation is best done bymanual winding.

当完成重新连接和将小艇重量从悬挂钢丝转移到吊艇钢丝后,从小艇中解 开悬挂钢丝,把它重新固定在储存位置上。

After re-connecting and transferring theweight of the boat back to the falls, the hanging-off wires should bedisconnected from the boat and re- secured in their stowage positions.

小艇重新储存在艇架上,拉上固艇索并上紧。注意小艇必须正确储存在座 架上以防止在海上航行时产生移动,小艇的壳体在固艇索不正确排列时可能遭致损坏。

The boat is re-stowed in the davits and thegripes applied and tightened.

Care should be taken to ensure that theboat is correctly stowed against any chocks designed to prevent movement in aseaway and that the hull of the boat is not likely to sustain damage fromincorrect alignment of gripes.


Example of Launching a Free-fall Lifeboat:


Freefall Lifeboat



1.     艇架和绞车装备在母船尾部。发生紧急事件时,船员在小艇储存位置登艇,然后放下小艇逃生。


The davit and the winch are equipped at thestern of the depot ship. In the event of an emergency occurred, the crewmembers on the depot ship board from the boat storage position and the boat canbe lowered for their escape.

In addition, it is possible to launch the boatusing the boat fall as an auxiliary launch device.

2.     艇架包括一系列附件,包括一个滑道,吊艇臂,登梯,一个悬挂装置,一个液压缸和一个固定装置。

The davit consists of accessories includeda slide track, davit arm, step, a suspension, a hydraulic cylinder a lashingdevice.

3.     绞车包括减速齿轮,液压刹车装置,液压马达。

The winch consists of reduction gears, ahydraulic brake device, and a hydraulic motor.

4.     关于小艇的松出和释放,设计上应允许在艇上操作自由下落,也可以在母船上操作液压作动装置释放。自由下落的释放方式使船员可迅速地离开母船 逃生。此外,用液液压作动装置释放可使小艇在任意位置上停止下来。

concerning boat lowering and launching, theboat is designed to allow a free fall by operation from the boat, as well aslaunching by hydraulic actuation by operation from the depot ship. The boatlaunching by free fall allows the crew members to escape fro the depot shipquickly. In addition, launching by hydraulic actuation allows the boat to stopat any position.

5.     小艇由液压绞车收回到指定位置,然后由液压缸储存。

The boat is hoisted by the hydraulic winchand the boat to the specified position and the boat is stored by the hydrauliccylinders.





1.     检查确认在小艇下落路径上无障碍物。注意

为保证快速放艇,任何时候 都应保持无障碍物的条件。如有障碍物可能会引发意外.

Check to ensure that there is no obstacle in the boat fall path.


At all times maintain a condition in whichthere are no obstacles so as to launch the boat quickly. If any obstacle exists, it may cause anaccident.

2.     移开固艇索

Remove the lashing line

3.     检查确认眼板已移开眼板在解开固定索后自动脱开。如眼板未自动脱开,可使用尼龙绳将它人工脱开。

Check to ensure that the lashing plate hasbeen released.

The lashing plate will automatically bereleased if you release the lashing lines. If the lashing plate is not released,release it manually using a nylon rope.

4.     检查确认小艇的泄水孔是否关闭。(根据救生艇操作手册操作)

Check to ensure that the drain of the boatis closed. (Operate in accordance with the boat operation manual.)



1.     操作者应检查确保放艇前的准备工作已准确无误。

The operator check to ensure thatpreparation of the boat launching has been made without fault.

2.     艇员从后舱门进入小艇。

The crew members board the boat from therear hatch.

3.     操作者最后进入小艇,然后从里面将舱门关上。

The operator boards the boat last, and willclose the hatch from within.

4.     操作者检查确认所有艇员  都 已 正 确 牢 固 地 穿 妥 座 位安 全 带。操作者坐在控制室,穿妥安 全带。(艇员抓住前座后背的扶 手)。

The operator checks to ensure that crewmembers are wearing seat belt securely.    The     operator takes a seat in the controlcompartment and wears a seat belt. (The crew members hold on to the rear handrailof the seat in front.)

5.     操作者根据操作手册启动艇机马达。

  • 发表于 2023-04-25 03:11
  • 阅读 ( 1064 )
  • 分类:海员培训



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