

 近期公司收到多艘船舶,引航员在船进出港口期间发生碰撞事故等危险局面的案例,可能造成海事污染、船货损失,甚至是人员生命丧失。      We have collected several collision incidents happ...


     We have collected several collision incidents happened recently while ship enter or leave port with pilot onboard, which might cause serious consequence such as marine pollution, ship/cargo damage even human life threatening.


Masters might have a misunderstanding that he can relax after pilot’s boarding. It might be true that the pilot has the advantage of being familiar with the local port hydro meteorological condition and geomorphology. However, there are often great differences in the selection criteria of the pilot around the world, resulting in many possibly incompetent pilots serve the pilot. In some cases, the responsibility of the pilot may bring huge potential crisis to the ship and eventually lead to huge losses to the ship owner. Moreover, international laws and regulations will not apportion the pilot's liability of ship’s safety, leading to the immeasurable loss to ship owner! Therefore, when the pilot is onboard, the Master is not more relaxed. On the contrary, the Master is the most laborious and needs to pay the most attention to navigation safety. Because the Master does not manoeuver the ship himself, he needs to spend more attention on and supervise the pilot's orders, and the Master and OOWs need sufficient knowledge to make a correct judgment:



The master and all OOWs must first make it clear that the pilot's presence on board does not relieve the master and officer of their responsibility for safe navigation. When the pilot is at the bridge, all the personnel on watch must perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of navigation watch and be responsible for the safety of the ship.


引航员作为船舶作业港口派出的人员,其对当地的水文气象可能比较了解,但是对于所引领船舶的操纵性能,并不会比船长或者驾驶员熟悉。双方的information exchange时,船长和驾驶员一定要了解引水员的操船意图,包括何时、何地、用何方式带、解拖轮,进出港过程中可能遇到的特殊情况如急流、作业船,以及其他需要特别注意的事项等。同时要交代引航员本船操作的一些特殊情况,比如航仪设备状态、罗经误差、舵效、主机反应速度、锚机缆机情况等等要提醒引水员注意。

As dispatched by port authority, pilot may have a good understanding of the local hydrometeorology, but he is not more familiar than the Master/OOW with the ship’s maneuvering performance. When exchanging information between, the master and OOW must understand the pilot's intention to operate the ship, including when, where and how to take and disengage the tugboat, the special circumstances that may be encountered in entering/leaving the port, such as currents, vessels traffic, and other matters requiring special attentions. Meanwhile, explain to the pilot ship special conditions such as the state of navigation equipment, compass error, rudder efficiency, main engine reactions, and windlass/winch condition and so on to remind the pilot to pay attention to.



Before entering and leaving the port, master and OOWs carefully learn the matters needing attention and clearly mark them in the voyage plan for reminding: obstructions, navigational aids, positioning references, ebb and flow time, current velocity, emergency anchoring location, important and major turns, possible encounters and crossing ships, and be fully prepared. Only by knowing clearly can we do a good job of supervision.



As the bridge team spirit, according to the bridge resource management concept, all bridge personnel shall remind each other, cross-check all commands are correct and the implementation. When the OOW executes the pilot's command, he should understand the pilot's intention and interpret the accuracy of the command. OOW shall give timely advice of ship’s instruments. The OOW and the AB supervise each other's compliance with the orders. After the rudder and Engine order are executed, pay attention to rudder angle indicator, ship’s bow, main engine tachometer and so on to check the effect of the command, report any abnormality immediately and correct it quickly.



Before approaching the port area, OOW should pay attention to the VHF safety information from the local port, understand the meteorological conditions near the port and the dynamics of other ships, as a reference for safe navigation. Check NAVITEX information to learn about safe navigation around port in advance, such as accidents, buoy changes, etc.



A keen lookout shall be  kept, pay attention to ship’s position, the surrounding ship condition, predict the navigation danger as early as possible, and boldly remind the pilot when necessary. The OOW shall remind the pilot and report to the Master earliest possible if the situation endangers the ship safety. When the Master is not at the bridge, take measures such as using whistle, warning light, VHF and other equipment to warn other ships, or taking steering, slowing down and other measures to avoid collision, so as to delay the occurrence of danger and prepare for further actions.


The pilot work is risky, complicated and has many uncertain factors, so the pilot is under considerable pressure. In addition, affected by certain factors, the pilot may make mistakes, then the Master and OOW's reminder is necessary. Reminders should be polite unless the situation is urgent to ensure a harmonious relationship and avoid misunderstandings. For example, if you are worried about the current high speed, you may consciously or repeatedly tell the pilot the current ship’ speed; or remind the pilot that the main engine of the ship can only get astern at a certain speed. If you are worried that the ship is close to danger, you can warn the pilot that ship is now how many nautical miles away from others.


While entering and leaving the port, due to the complex situation of fast current, slowing down etc., Master should pay special attention at below key moments:


When the ship arrives at the pilot station where speed is slow, wind influence is big, navigable waters are limited, navigation density is large, and the uncertain factors are complex.

2. 引航员刚上船时,此时引航员对本船情况还不了解,操纵性能还不熟悉;

When pilot is just joining, not familiar with the ship handling performance;

3. 两位引航员在船时,如果有较多的聊天就有可能影响工作的注意力;

When two pilots are onboard, a lot of chatting may affect their concentration of work;

4. 航道较长,引航员连续工作时间较久,可能处于疲劳状态,注意力无法集中;

If the channel is long and the pilot has been working continuously for a long time, he may be in a state of fatigue and unable to concentrate;

5. 接近码头时,局面复杂,拖轮是否到位、码头是否清爽;

Close to the berth, the situation is complicated, whether the tug is in place, whether the berth is clear;

6. 引航员离船前,控制船位、船速,搞懂搞清当时的局面和相关船舶的态势;

Before the pilot leaves the ship, control the ship's position and speed, understand the situation at that time and the situation of the relevant ship around;

7. 引航员下船后,船速慢,风流压差大,因下引航员做下风后船位偏离航线甚至穿越正常分道通航。

After the pilot disembarks, the ship speed is slow and the wind/current difference is large. The ship position deviates from the course or even crosses the normal traffic separation lane to make the pilot boat downwind.


Ship safety responsibility is heavier than mountain. As Master and OOW, we must always keep the ship under our control. Usually, we should base on "people-oriented", cultivate strong safety, risk and emergency awareness, early warning psychology, keep forging ahead, be realistic and pragmatic, work with procedures, act in rules, and create a sustainable and stable safety environment for ship operation.

  • 发表于 2023-04-25 20:20
  • 阅读 ( 390 )
  • 分类:海员培训



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