

CHARTERING TERMS     AA                                 Always AfloatABT                           AboutAGW                          All  Going WellAPS                          ...




AA                                 Always Afloat

ABT                           About

AGW                          All  Going Well

APS                           Arrival  Pilot Station

ATDNSHINC                    Any  Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays Included

BSS 1/1                     Basis  1 Port to 1 Port

BWAD                         Brackish  Water Arrival Draft

CONS                           Consumption

CP (or C/P)                         Charter  Party

CQD                            Customary  Quick Despatch

CROB                          Cargo  Remaining on Board

CTR                            Container  Fitted

DLOSP                          Dropping  Last Outwards Sea Pilot (Norway)

DOLSP                          Dropping  Off Last Sea Pilot (Norway)

DOP                            Dropping  Outward Pilot

FHEX                           Fridays/Holidays  Excluded

FHINC                     Fridays/Holidays Included

FWAD                                 Fresh  Water Arrival Draft

FWDD                         Fresh  Water Departure Draft

FYG                            For  Your Guidance

FYI                              For  Your Information

IMDG                           International  Maritime Dangerous Goods Code

IWL                             Institute  Warranty Limits

LYCN                           Laycan  (Layday Cancelling Date)

MOLCO                                 More Or Less  Charterer’s Option

MOLSO                                  More or  Less Supplier’s Option

MOLOO                                 More Or Less  Owner’s Option

NAABSA                       Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground

NOR                            Notice  of Readiness

OWS                           Owners

PIC                                           Person in charge

RCVR                           Receivers

SB                              Safe Berth

SF                               Stowage factor. Cubic space (measurement tonne)  occupied

                                by one tonne (2,240 lbs/1,000 kgs) of cargo.

SHINC                          Sundays/Holidays  Included

SHEX                           Sundays/Holidays  Excluded

SOF                             Statement  Of Facts

SP                                Safe Port

SSHEX (or SATSHEX)        Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Excluded

SSHINC (or SATSHINC)     Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Included

SUPERCARGO            Person employed  by a ship owner, shipping                                       company,    charterer of a ship or  shipper of                                          goods to supervise cargo  handling operations.                                  Often called a port captain.

SWAD                         Salt  Water Arrival Draft

SWDD                                 Salt  Water Departure Draft

Time Charter (TC)              Owners agree to hire a particular  ship for                                          a set length of time    and provide technical                                           management, crewing etc.

TCT                                       Time  Charter on Trip basis

WOG                                  Without  Guarantee

WPD                           Weather  Permitting Day

WWD                                  Weather  Working Day

  • 发表于 2023-04-26 01:15
  • 阅读 ( 1007 )
  • 分类:海员培训



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