





1.Record of Navigational watch

Detail of voyage, date, ship time with respect to UTC.

Compass headings -both Gyro and Magnetic.

Verification of compass error also including mention if unobtainable.

True, Gyro & Magnetic courses, time and position of alteration of courses.

Name of lookout, name of additional officer /look outs.

Changing of fuel from HSFO to LSFO and vice versa when applicable.

Change in level of watch keeping.

Taking over /handing over of con from Master.

Meteorological information including state of visibility, cloud cover, temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind force and direction, etc.

Behaviour of vessel and effect of heavy seas, eg-Rolling, pitching, slamming with their intensity.

Shipping Sprays /seas with intensity and location of spray /seas.

Any Deviation from voyage and reasons for same.

Ballast water management being carried out Exchange Overflow Dilution Treatment in progress.

Record of position of the vessel at once a hour.

Watch on VHF channels and GMDSS watches being maintained.

Fire patrol /watch being carried out at the end of each watch.

Noon to Noon distance made good, Average speed, Fuel consumption, Course made good, Engine distance run, slip, etc..

Record of daily soundings of Ballast tanks, Bilges, etc.

Record of ventilation of cargo, temperature readings of cargo, inspection of cargo securing Advance /Retard of clocks/dates.

Entry of vessels into High Risk area.

Carrying out of hand steering once every watch.

Failure of any Navigational equipment.

Record of taking over watch, testing of controls, steering gear.

Notices to Engine room, trying out of engines ahead astern.

Any important VHF communication with external parties.

2. Record of Pilotage events during watch Pilot onboard times

Passing navigation marks, buoys, landmarks which will help in position fixing.

Passing under bridges.

Change of pilots.

Any emergency during pilotage Position of tugs and nature of job being done by Tugs.

Passing of lines fore and aft(First line ashore).

Side to which alongside and name /details of the wharf.

All fast times, mooring configuration, Finished with engines, Bunker R.O.B Gangway down, Pilot disembarked, Tugs away, Drafts.

3.Anchoring and Anchor watch Time and position of let go anchor and which anchor used

Time and position when anchor was brought up.

Status of main engines (Main Engines to be on short notice).

Regular checking verification of the anchor position and vessel remaining inside the swinging circle.

Weather conditions, vessel's behavior in weather conditions.

VHF channels being monitored.

Berthing instructions if any received.

Any other activities being carried with other crafts like -Bunker, crew change, store receipts, maintenance.

Record of testing controls and steering gear.

Compliance with local port and company regulations.

Security search /watch being done on board for stowaways, contraband, explosives, etc.

4.Other Entries

Information on cargo work and other activities being carried out.

Visit by various authorities and officials.

Visits by auditors surveyors /representatives /Inspectors.

Compliance of companies checklist as per companies SMs.

Any other entries as per company's guidelines.

Record of safety committee meetings, inspections, Drills, etc.


  • 发表于 2023-01-02 18:10
  • 阅读 ( 259 )
  • 分类:海员培训



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