

船舶安全员由大副担任。上船前,船舶安全员应接受相关知识的培训并持有外部机构或公司签发的安全员证书。 船舶安全员应每月对船上所有方面进行一次安全检查。当检查某区域时,该区域的负责人应...





Checklist for Ship Safety Officer

1逃生通道无遮挡、无绊倒和滑倒危险,应急出口清晰标识 Escape routes unobstructed and free of tripping and slipping  hazards, emergency exits clearly marked
2所有照明正常,楼梯和工作间照明充足  All lights fully operational, stairways and work areas adequately  lit
3所有应急照明正常,应急设备在位、方便得到和可使用 All emergency lights operational, all emergency equipment in  place, accessible and operational
4所有安全和危险标识正确张贴、清晰可辩 All safety signs and hazard zone identification signs correctly  positioned and  clearly readable (e.g. No Smoking signs)  
5所有便携式灭火器正确放置、易于拿到,在指定的检查日期内 All portable fire extinguishers correctly stowed, easily  accessible and within   Specified examination date
6所有消防皮龙正确存放、无破损、阀门无咬死易于操作 All  fire hoses  equipment correctly stowed, free of cuts and abrasions, and valves unobstructed and easily operated
7带盖的防火垃圾桶并正确放置 Fire proof containers with covers provided and correctly placed
8有适当数量的非易燃烟灰缸并适当的放置 Adequate number of non combustible ashtrays provided and appropriately located
9内部通讯设备测试和工作正常 Internal communications equipment tested and operating correctly 
10所有区域没有可燃物和废弃物 Area free of combustible material and refuse
11所有区域没有过载、未经授权或临时安装的电器 Area free of overloaded, unauthorised or jury rigged electrical  items
12过道、厅堂、通道和楼梯没有垃圾和障碍物 Aisles, halls, passageways and stairways free of debris and obstructions
13过道、厅堂、通道和楼梯干净、干燥,如可能是防滑表面 Aisles, halls, passageways and stairways clean and dry, and provided  with non skid surfaces where appropriate
14补给和物料正确存储 Supplies and materials properly stowed
15有供应的急救箱,能轻易拿到和清晰标识 Approved First Aid supplies readily available, accessible and  clearly marked
16障碍物上的净空标识清晰 Clearance limits clearly marked on obstructions to personnel
17通风开口、挡板活络和测试,所有舱室门上的通风口检查、保持干净和可开启 Ventilation openings, flaps operational and tested. All cabins exhaust vent on the door to be checked and should be clean and operating
18救生衣正确放置,状态良好 Lifejackets correctly stowed and in good order
19厨房灭火控制系统清晰标识、无遮挡 Galley oven hood extinguishing system controls clearly marked and unobstructed
20厨房电热板无水渍、无裂痕,加热器固定 Galley Electric oven and ranges dry, free of cracks or crevices and  heaters secured
21厨房冷冻室逃生设备和警报工作正常 Galley cold rooms escape devices and alarms fully operational
22洗衣机保持卫生,干衣间保持干净(火灾危险) Washing machines are maintained in hygienic condition and drier mesh is clean (fire hazard)
23A级防火穿墙电缆检查,确保状况良好。任何损坏必须立即修复。 ‘A’ class deck cable penetration checked and confirmed in order. Damaged penetration must be repaired soonest.

与MLC相关项目(由船长、大副和轮机长联合检查)Items related to MLC (to be checked by Master along with Ch Eng/Ch Off)
24所有公共厕所和洗澡间保持干净卫生,没有任何破漏和冲洗阀门损坏?Are the common toilets and bathrooms kept in clean and hygienic condition at all times, without any leakages or defective flush valves?
25所有公共厕所、洗澡间配备了手纸、香皂和毛巾? Are all the common toilets / bathrooms are provided toilet paper, soap and towels?
26毛巾状况、床单和枕头状况?Is condition of towels, bed sheets and pillows good?
27确保船上没有蟑螂、老鼠、蚂蚁和其他虫迹?Confirm there is no presence of cockroach, Rats, ants, other insects etc. on board?
28船员生活区、病房间干净、没有苍蝇和蟑螂等? Are the crews’ & officers’ accommodation areas and hospital clean and free from flies, cockroaches etc.?
29在规定的时间提供食物、没有留食物在厨房和餐厅供船员其后食用?Food is served during stipulated times and not left around for people to eat later in the galley or mess rooms?
30在生活区,空调房提供了良好和干净的制冷空气?Is the Air Conditioning Plant providing good cool and clean air in accommodation?
31船上提供的新鲜蔬菜和干货质量良好、数量充足、储存恰当? Are the fresh and dry provisions provided on board of good quality, sufficient quantity and stored/stacked appropriately?
32船上肉库、鱼库和蔬菜间的格兰汀经常干净、可以排放残夜?Is the area below gratings in the storage area in Meat/ Fish/ Vegetable room is cleaned regularly and allows draining?
33船上提供的饮用水质量是否良好?Is the quality of drinking water provided on board good?
34厨房人员配备有合适的个人防护装备、围裙和帽子干净? Is galley crew provided with adequate PPE, clean apron and head cover?
35厨房有足够额砧板,确保用于切肉和其他菜品分开使用?Does galley has sufficient number of chopping boards so that different chopping boards are used for veg and non-veg meals?

1所有机械有必要的防护以保护操作者免受危害 All machines guarded as required to protect operators from hazards
2逃生筒和梯子无遮挡,无绊倒和滑倒危险,应急出口标识清晰 Escape routes and ladders unobstructed and free of  tripping and slipping hazards,emergency exits clearly marked
3所有扶手、栏杆和安全防护 正确安装和紧固,所有楼梯有扶手 All handrails, guard rails and safety guards correctly fitted and secure, all  ladders  guarded by railings
4有备用救生衣,标识清晰和状态良好,应急设备在位,易于拿到和状态正常 Spare lifejackets available, clearly marked and in good order, emergency equipment in place, accessible and operational 
5所有照明正常,楼梯和工作区域照明充足 All lights fully operational, stairways and work areas adequately lighted
6所有安全和危险标识正确张贴、易于辩读 All safety signs and hazard zone identification signs   correctly positioned and clearly readable   (e.g. No Smoking signs)
7配电板区域干净、无遮挡物,有橡胶绝缘垫 Switchboard area clear and free of obstructions and rubber mats in position.      
8所有便携式灭火器正确放置,易于拿到并且在规定的检查日期内 All portable fire extinguishers correctly stowed, easily  accessible and within specified  examination  date
9所有固定灭火设备正确放置,无破损,阀门没有咬死和易于操作 All fixed firefighting equipment correctly stowed, free of cuts and abrasions, and  Valves unobstructed  and easily operated
10所有人员穿着正确的个人防护设备 All personnel wearing correct personal protective gear
11高压区域标识清晰和适当限制 High voltage areas clearly marked and properly restricted
12内部通讯设备测试和操作正确 Internal communications equipment tested and  operating correctly
13没有可燃物和废弃物,不在使用的工具和设备无油迹 Area free of combustible refuse, tools and equipment which are not in use and spilled oil or grease
14管线和装置无渗漏 Area free of leaking pipes and fittings
15开口容器内无可燃液体 Area free of combustible liquids in open containers
16走道、楼梯和梯子无垃圾和障碍物 Walkways, stairways and ladders clear of debris and obstructions
17走道、落体和梯子干净,如可能是防滑表面 Walkways, stairways and ladders clean and dry, and provided with non skid surfaces where appropriate
18障碍物上净空标识清晰 Clearance limits clearly marked on obstructions to personnel
19油布和其他可燃材料在防火接受设施内正确处置 Oil soaked rags and other flammable materials disposed of correctly in fireproof receptacles
20补给和物料正确存放 Supplies and materials properly stored
21所有化学剂适当标识和存放 All chemical containers properly labeled and stored
22MSDS并且易于阅读 Material safety data sheets (MSDS) provided and readily  accessible
23污油井无油迹,高位报警测试和证明可用 Bilges free of oil / high level alarm tested and proved operational
24A级防火穿墙电缆检查,确保状况良好。任何损坏必须立即修复。 ‘A’ class deck cable penetration checked and confirmed in order. Damaged penetration must be repaired soonest.

1通道和楼梯无阻挡,无绊倒和滑倒危险,应急出口标识清晰 Access routes and ladders unobstructed and free  of tripping and slipping hazards, emergency exists clearly marked
2所有扶手、防护栏杆和安全保护正确安装和紧固,所有梯子有扶手 All handrails, guard rails and safety guards correctly fitted and secure,  all ladders provided with railings
3逃生通道和救生筏登程区域无阻挡,无绊倒和滑倒危险 Escape routes and survival craft embarkation areas  unobstructed and free of slipping and tripping hazards
4所有安全和危险标识正确张贴,易于辩读 All safety signs and hazard zone identification signs correctly positioned and clearly readable (e.g. No Smoking signs)
5所有便携式灭火器正确放置,易于拿到和在规定的检验期内 All portable fire extinguishers correctly stowed, easily accessible and within specified examination  date
6所有固定灭火设备正确存放,无破损,所有阀门没有咬死和易于操作 All fixed firefighting equipment correctly stowed, free of cuts and abrasions, and all  valves unobstructed and easily operated
7泵浦间救生设备在位,正确标识和状况良好 Pump room rescue equipment in place, properly labeled   and in good orde
8内部通讯设备测试和操作正确 Internal communications equipment tested and operating correctly
9泵浦间内货泵填料视觉检查泄露 Cargo pump glands in the pump room visually inspected for leaks
10泵浦间内所有照明正常,楼梯和工作区域照明充足 All pump room lights fully operational, stairways and work areas adequately lit.
11泵浦间污水井净空和干净 Pump room bilges empty and clean
12污水井高位报警测试和证明可用 Bilge high level alarm tested and proved operational
13所有区域干净、整洁,无可燃废弃物,没有不在使用的工作和设备  All areas clean, orderly and free of combustible rubbish  and tools and equipment which are not in use
14管线和装置无泄漏 Area free of leaking pipes and fittings
15通道、楼梯和梯子无裂缝和阻碍物 Walkways, stairways and ladders clear of debris and obstructions
16通道、楼梯和体系干净,如可能是防滑表面 Walkways, stairways and ladders clean and dry, and  provided with non skid surfaces where appropriate
17障碍物上的净空辨识清晰 Clearance limits clearly marked on obstructions to personnel
18破油布和其他可燃材料用防火接收设施正确处置 Oil soaked rags and other flammable materials dispose  off correctly in fireproof receptacles
19补给和物料正确存储 Supplies and materials properly stored
20有MSDS和易于辩读  Material safety data sheets (MSDS) provided and readily accessible
21救生筏登程区域照明正常 Survival craft embarkation and overside lights operating correctly
22所有救生筏和应急示位标存放正确,在规定的检验日期内 All liferafts and EPIRB's correctly stowed and within specified examination date
23救生筏和应急示位标的浸水释放器装配正确,并在规定的检验期内 Hydrostatic release units for liferafts and EPIRB's correctly  fitted and within specified examination date
24所有救生圈放置正确,救生圈等和烟雾器在规定的检验期内 All lifebuoys correctly stowed, all lifebuoy lights and smoke  markers within specified examination date
25救生艇固定正确、状况良好 Lifeboats correctly secured and in good order 
26所有人员正确穿戴个人防护装备 All personnel wearing correct personal protective equipment
27油漆和其他可燃物恰当存放,水手长仓库物料绑扎正确 Paint and other flammable material correctly stowed and Bosun's stores correctly secured
28所有化学瓶容器恰当标识和存放 All chemical containers properly labelled and stored
29洗眼池、应急喷淋和急救药箱易于得到,正确标识 Eye wash, Emergency showers and first aid supplies accessible,clearly marked
30通风筒、水密门状况良好 Vents, W/T doors , all in good condition
31A级防火穿墙电缆检查,确保状况良好。任何损坏必须立即修复。 ‘A’ class deck cable penetration checked and confirmed in order. Damaged penetration must be repaired soonest.

船舶安全员Ship Safety Officer

  • 发表于 2023-05-04 05:52
  • 阅读 ( 607 )



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