



1-The master shall effectively implement and maintain the Safety management System and other requirements in accordance with ISPS, MLC2006, and Environmental/Energy Management on board. He shall:

 ensure that all on board carry out their functions as defined in our Safety Management System and other requirements;

 Have control over Safety Management System documentation and other requirements;

 Update the Safety Management System and other requirements.

2-The Master has the overall responsibility in administration, personnel management, and financial control over a safe and economical shipboard operation.

In the absence of a superintendent or other delegate of the company sent out for the purpose, he is the company’s representative when working with charterer’s agents, ship repairs, classification society surveyors and government inspectors etc., and shall act in an amicable manner.

3-The Master shall be responsible for the maintenance of crew discipline on board and shall lead his subordinates by example. All duties shall be carried out in an amicable and fair manner The officers, as representatives of the Master, shall maintain discipline among the personnel they are in charge of and report any breach of discipline immediately through their department heads to the Master.

4-The Master must satisfy himself before putting his vessel to sea that the ship is seaworthy and safe in all in all respects. Particular attention must be paid to vessel’s stability for all stages of the voyage and that the vessel is not subject to any undue stresses. Good voyage planning must be made and possible hazard during voyage must be identified. He shall always refer to the Admiralty sailing directions for a safe routing and shall ensure up to date requisite charts / publications are available. He shall also ensure that adequate supplies of fuel, stores and water with safety margin are on board for the intended voyage.

5-The Master is over-all in-charge in any emergency. He shall, before setting out on each voyage, ensure that the Muster List is correctly filled in, prominently displayed and that all crew members are aware of their respective stations. He shall also ensure that Abandon Ship and other Drills are held as required by the SOLAS and Safety Management System on board and recorded in the Official Log Book or Deck Log Book, as appropriate. He must satisfy himself that all safety appliances and alarms are maintained in an efficient working condition.

6-Whether in port or at sea, the Master shall ensure that Weather Fax, EGC and NAVTEX printouts are recorded daily and used for evaluation of weather conditions. Additionally, the Master shall daily monitor weather through weather software (such as Bridge/DOSCA) when provided.

7-Whilst at sea, the safety of the crew, ship and cargo shall be Master’s highest priority.

8-In spite of all efforts to stay away from heavy weather, if vessel encounters adverse weather conditions, Master shall take all steps to avoid undue strain on the ship by adjusting vessel’s speed and/or course. In reduced visibility, congested waters or narrow channels, he shall take every additional precaution in order to avoid accident.

9-The Maser shall ensure that suitable instructions are issued to the OOW (officer of the watch) in the Standing Order / Night Order Book in proper manner for ensuring safe navigation and safety of the vessel and its crew.

10-The Master shall ensure that all trading certificates for the vessel are valid. In this respect he must be aware of the due dates for inspections and surveys by statutory bodies and classification societies and ensure that the vessel is properly prepared. Any defects found which cannot be rectified by the vessel must be brought to the attention of the company in sufficient time to allow the work to be carried out before the survey.

11-The Master shall make himself fully conversant with all Charterer’s instructions regarding the commercial operation of the vessel as well as local regulations governing the vessel’s stay in port and at territorial waters, paying particular attention to all aspects of environmental pollution prevention in port and whilst at sea.

12-The Master shall keep the company fully advised by letter, telex, fax, email or telephone as he considers appropriate of all matters pertaining to the maintenance and operation of the vessel, particularly with regard to breakdowns, delays and other abnormalities. He shall also ensure that all returns required by the company and or the Charterers are promptly made.

13-The Master shall on arrival in port or at anchorage, advise the Chief Engineer the degree of readiness required for the main engine and/or if it is safe to immobilize in order to carry out essential maintenance, repairs or surveys. He shall keep the Chief Engineer fully advised of any alternation to the degree of readiness required and of any impending movements.

14-Responsibility of the Master shall not be released under any circumstances. During pilotage, he shall provide as much information of the ship as possible and render his best assistance to the pilot in order to accomplish a safe pilotage operation. The pilot is merely in an 'advisory' capacity. At any time under pilotage, if the Master should feel that the safety of the vessel may be jeopardised, the Master must override the pilot's advice.

Full details of such action shall be entered in the Deck Log Book.

15-When entering or leaving a port, transiting canal, navigating in congested waterway in poor visibility, or other peculiar occasion where special care is necessary. The Master must remain on bridge and shall not leave the command of the vessel to his OOW.

16-In the event of the vessel becoming partially or totally disabled at sea, whilst the company will give every possible help and advice, it has to be clearly understood that the Master, being on spot must be in a better position to assess all aspects of the situation than anyone in a distant office,

shall make the final decision as to what action to take or what assistance is required. However, the above shall not relieve the Master of his obligation to keep the company fully advised of the situation and his proposals or dealing with the current difficulties.

17-The Master shall conduct inspection of accommodation, engine room, galley and store rooms at least once a month in order to maintain a high standard of sanitation / general cleanliness and enter the inspections in the Official Log Book or Deck Log Book, as appropriate.

18-The Master shall before leaving a port, instructs the Chief Officer in collaboration with Chief Engineer, to conduct a search throughout the ship for possible smuggling, contraband goods and stowaways according to the SSP (Ship Security Plan). Should anything be found, he shall act according to regulations and shall report to the company by all possible means as soon as possible. Any stowaway found before sailing must be put ashore with the assistance of the local agent. Stowaways discovered after the vessel is at sea shall be handled as per instructions provided in emergency procedures. The results of the search shall be recorded in Official or Deck Log Book, as appropriate for the vessel.

19-In case of Marine Casualties, he shall act as recommended in the Chapter 5 “Emergency Response of this manual. He shall lodge marine protest on any one of the following occasions:

 damage or possible damage to ship, pier on berth facilities arising from collision;

 damage or possible damage to hull or cargo arising from touching bottom, stranding or any other accident;

 damage or possible damage to cargo due to rough sea and/or adverse weather;

 In any event that the interest of the company has to be protected.

20-He may interchange duties between the Officers without jeopardizing safety and only after ensuring that the officer is trained & familiarized with the interchanged job.

21-It is recommended that the Master participates in SAR activity, with due regard to the safety of his own crew, vessel and cargo. He shall endeavor to rescue the other vessel and persons thereon when required. In this respect the Master must remember that his primary considerations are the lives of the crew, the safety of the ship and cargo entrusted to his care. In coming to a decision, the Master is reminded that both by custom and International Law he is bound to accede to requests for assistance. If on receiving a distress signal the Master finds it unreasonable or unnecessary, due to special circumstances, to render assistance, he must enter in the Official or

Deck Log Book the reasons for failing to proceed to assist. Prior proceeding to render salvage assistance the Master should take following into consideration?

 distance from vessel requiring assistance;

 fuel remaining on board;

 whether ship's cargo will be effected by delay;

 whether the other vessel is in an area frequented by shipping and other more suitable assistance is available;

 Charter Party terms regarding the towage of vessels in distress

22-The Master shall ensure that onboard training is conducted adequately and effectively according to the provided Training Program.

23-The Master shall ensure that all ship’s accounts are properly kept, and returned to the company in time. Ship’s cash shall be under the custody of Master who shall be fully responsible for any loss.

24-The Master shall be responsible to prepare the portage account and other accounts including Provisions and Victualling.

25-The Master shall be responsible for the quality of food provided to the officers and crew, and shall ensure that provision budget is not over run.

26-The Master shall ensure that Health and Safety Committee meetings are convened once every month in accordance to the requirement of the Safety Management System. Minutes of these meet

  • 发表于 2023-02-16 22:34
  • 阅读 ( 573 )
  • 分类:海员培训



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