船舶锚泊驾驶人员掌握的英文术语--ANCHORING USEFUL TERMS-绿芒船员学苑


船舶锚、链和锚机(Anchor,chain and windlass)A.锚(Anchor) 1.Hall's pattent stockless anchor 霍尔无档锚 2.shank 锚杆 3.fluke 锚爪 4.arm 锚臂 5.tripping plam = canting...

船舶锚、链和锚机(Anchor,chain and windlass)


1.Hall's pattent stockless anchor 霍尔无档锚

2.shank 锚杆

3.fluke 锚爪

4.arm 锚臂

5.tripping plam = canting piece (无档锚)助钩角

6.head 锚头

7.common anchor 普通锚、有档锚

8.stock 锚档

9.palm 锚爪 锚冠

11.pee,pea or bill 锚爪尖

12.trend or throat 锚杆与锚臂联接处


1.joining shackle 联结卸扣

2.spile pin 小孔梢

3.bolt 栓、梢

4.lead pellet 填封卸扣的铅粒 link 无档链环

6.enlarged link 加大链环

7.common link 普通链环

8. third shackle 第三节锚链

Shackle 卸扣,一节锚链

Shot —节锚链 anchor 往锚的方向 locker 往锚链舱方向

11.end link 末端链环


13.bitter end 锚链根,锚链固定在船上的一端

14.chain locker 锚链舱


1.electro hydraulic windlass电动液压锚机

2.steam windlass 蒸汽锚机

3.electric windlass 电动锚机

4.control handle 操纵手柄

5. electromagnetic brake 电磁制动器

6. oil motor 液压马达,油马达

7. capstan barrel 绞盘筒

8. clutch 离合器

9. chain wheel 锚链轮

10. gear box 齿轮箱

11. push button 按钮

12. power box 电源箱

13. motor 电动机

14.oil pump 油泵

16.brake wheel 刹车手轮

船舶锚泊用语(Useful words)

1.stand by port/starboard anchor 备左/右锚

2..tiderode 顶流锚泊

3.turning on an anchor 抛锚掉头

4.veer cable (walk back) 用锚机送锚链

5.walking back the anchor 用锚机送锚 tide 潮流迎风

7.windrode 顶风锚泊

8.weigh anchor/heave away 起锚/绞锚

3.let go port/starboard anchor 抛左/右锚

4.put one/two/ three--shackles in the water/in the pipe/ondeck  1/2/3…节锚链入水/在锚链简/在甲板

5.hold on the cable 刹住锚链

6.slack away chain 锚链放松

7.stand by heave away anchor  准备起锚

8.stop heaving 停止绞锚

9.where is the cable leading? 锚链方向? many shackles are left? 还有几节?

11.anchor clear 锚清爽

12.anchor up and down 锚离底 锚链垂直

13.anchor is clear of water 锚离水

14.anchor fouled 锚绞缠

15.anchor brought up 锚抓牢

16.a,cockbill 吊锚,锚送出锚链孔

17.Baltic moor 波罗的海锚泊法

18.bower anchor (bow anchor) 艏锚

18.breaking sheer 船首偏离锚链方向

19.brought up (come to, got her cable) 锚已抓底

20.catenary 悬链线

21.clear hawse 清解锚链,双锚链不绞

22.clearing anchors 清解被缠锚

23.drag anchor拖锚


25.drop down抛锚锚刚离底,船随流漂移

26.dropping moor (standing moor, straight moor, ordinary moor) 倒退抛一字双锚

27.foul anchor 锚被缠住

28.foul hawse锚链绞缠


30.growing aft 锚链朝后

31.growing ahead 锚链向前

32.lee tide 潮流顺风

33.long stay 长链抛锚

34.Mediterranean moor地中海抛锚法(船尾带缆靠码头,船首抛八字锚)

35.natural sheer船首接近锚链方向

36.nipped cable 首柱压锚链 hawse 清链(双锚泊时锚链清楚) moor 八字锚泊

39.pointing ship 连尾缆抛锚,保持船位

40.range cable 排链(把锚链倒出排在甲板、码头或船坞内)

41.render cable 用刹车松链(用刹车控制、缓慢松链)

42.riding cable 力链(抛双锚时吃力的链)

43.running moor 前进抛一字锚

44. scope of cable 出链范围(出链长度除以锚链孔到海底的垂直距离)

45.short stay 短链抛锚(使锚链与海底夹角接近45°)

46.shortening-in 缩短锚链

47.sleeping cable (lee cable) 惰链(双锚泊时下风链)

48.snub cable(用刹车)刹一刹锚链

49.surge cable打开刹车松出锚链

50.turn in cables 锚链翻转

锚泊底质(Quality of the Bottom)

1.Gd Ground 海底

2.S   Sand 

3.M Mud 泥

4.Oz  Ooze 淤泥

5.ML  Marl 泥灰岩

6.Cy Clay 粘土

7.G Gravel 砾

8.Sn Shingle 粗砾

9.P Pebbles圆砾

10.St Stones 石

11.R Rock 岩石

12.Bo Boulders 圆巨石

13.Ck Chalk  白垩、白粉

14.Ca Calcareous 石灰质

15.QZ Quartz 石英

16.Co Coral 珊瑚

17.Md Madrepore 石蚕

18.V Volcanic 火山质

19.Ba Basalt 玄武岩

20.LV Lava 熔岩

21.Pm Pumice 浮石

22.T Tufa 凝灰岩

23.Sc Scoriae 溶岩滓

24.Cn Cinders 渣滓

25.Gc Glauconite 海绿石

26.Mn Maganese 锰

27.Sh Shells 贝壳

28.Oy Oysters

29.Ms Mussels 蛏类

30.Sp Sponge 海绵

31.Wd Weed 海草

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