

1.tides 潮汐 2.tidal force 引潮力 3.The Admialty Tide Tables  英版《潮汐表》 4.standard ports  主港 5.tidal evels 潮面 6.ranges 潮差 7.heights of tide潮高

1.tides 潮汐

2.tidal force 引潮力

3.The Admialty Tide Tables  英版《潮汐表》

4.standard ports  主港

5.tidal evels 潮面

6.ranges 潮差

7.heights of tide潮高

8.secondary port副港(附属港、附港)

9.tidal currents 潮流

10.rotary tidal currcnt回转潮流

11.current rose 流花又称潮流椭圆current ellipse

12.Ocean Currents 洋流

13.oceanic circulation海洋表面环流

14.N. Atlantic Ocean Current北大西洋表面环流

15.S. Atlantic Ocean Current 南大西洋表面环流

16.N. Pacific Ocean Current  北太平洋表面环流

17.S. Pacific Ocean Current  南太平洋表面环流

18.N. Indian Ocean Current  北印度洋海流

19.S. Indian Ocean Current   南印度洋表面环流

20.mean high water (MHW)  平均高潮

21.mean low water (MLW)   平均低潮

22.mean tide level(MTL)     平均潮面

23.mean sea level (MSL)     平均海面

24.agger (= double tide)     复潮

25.cut tide      涨潮不足

26.spring tide (Sp) 大潮

27..neap tide (Np) 小潮

28.mean high water springs (MHWS) 平均大潮高潮面

29.mean high water neaps (MHWN)  平均小潮高潮面

30.mean higher high water (MHHW)  平均高高潮面

31.mean lower high water (MLHW)   平均低高潮面

32.mean low water springs (MLWS)(low water ordinary spring tide) 平均大潮低潮面

33.mean low water neaps (MLWN)(low water ordinary neap tide) 平均小潮低潮面

34.mean higher low water (MHLW) 平均高低潮面

35.mean lower low water (MLLW)  平均低低潮面

36.indian spring low water (ISLW)   印度洋大潮低潮面

37.high water full and change (HWF &.C)  朔望平均高潮间隙

38.low water full and change (LWF &.C)  朔望平均低潮间隙

39.establishment (=high water lunitidal interval) 候潮时(=月潮高潮间隙)

40.tropic higher high water (TcHHW) 回归高高潮

41.tropic higher low water (TcHLW)  回归高低潮

42.mean low water lunitidal interval (MLWI) 平均(月潮)低潮间隙

43.tropic tides 回归潮

44.flood tide stream 涨潮流

45.ebb tide stream 落潮流

46.tide gauge 潮标尺(验潮站)

47.wave recorder 波浪记录器

48.tidal current chart (tidal stream Atlas) 潮流图

49.current meter 海流计

50.tidal datum (plane) 潮汐基准面

51.ordnance datum 陆地测量基准面

52.tidal fall 落潮差

53.perigean range 近地点潮差

54.tidal range 潮差

55.amplitude of the tide (=semirange of tide) 半潮差

56.tidal rise 潮升

57.mean spring rise (MSR) 平均大潮升

58.tidal stand (or stand of the tide) 停潮、平潮

59.tidal velocity 潮流速度

60.tide sets in  向内潮流

61.tide sets out 向外潮流

62.tide staff  验潮杆

63.tidal flat 潮汐滩,干出滩

64.tide rips (=over falls) 潮激(湍流) tide 太阳潮

66.semidiurnal type of tide 半日潮

67.diurnal type of tide 日潮

68.mixed type of tide 混合潮

69.current drift  流程

70.current set 流向

71.harmonic analysis 调和分析

72.harmonic constants 调和常数

73.age of the tide 潮龄

74.current difference 副港与主港的平流时间差

75.current ellipse 潮流椭圆

76.slack current 平流

77.hydraulic current由于两端水位差而在水道中产生的水流

78.tropic currents 回归潮流

79.equatorical currents 赤道潮流

80.nontidal current 非潮汐引起的海流(洋流)

81.equatorial counter current 赤道逆流

82.periodic current 周期性流

83.seasonal current 季节性(洋)流

84.coastal current 海岸流

85.wind-drift current 风生流

86.surface current 表层流

87.deep current 深层流

88.bottom current 底层流

89.compensation current 补偿流

90.upwelling 上升流

91.downwelling 下降流

92.coastal current, littoral current 沿岸流 current 离岸流

94.warm current 暖流

95.cold current 寒流

96.Black stream, Kuroshio, Black current 黑潮 tide, red water 赤潮

98.neutral current 中性流

99.residual current 余流

100.longshore current 顺岸流

101.surface current 表层流

102.subsurface current 下层流

103.eddy current 涡流 current 窄而深、流动很急的洋流

105.drift current 漂流

106.wind current 风生流

107.highest astronomical tide (HAT) 最高天文潮

108.lowest astronomical tide (LAT) 最低天文潮

109.tide race 急潮流

110.storm surge (=storm tide, storm wave) 风暴潮

111.tidal Atlas 潮汐图

112. weather tide 气象潮、逆风潮

113.equatorial tide 赤道潮

114.equinoctial (spring) tide 分点(大)潮

115.tidal predictions 潮汐预报

116.tidal wave 潮汐波

117.tide rode 顶潮流锚泊

118.tsunami (seismic sea wave)海啸

119.wave 波浪

120.wind wave风浪


122.significant wave height有效波高

123.standing wave驻波 wave前进波

125.ship wave船行波 of waves群波

127.internal wave内波

128.wave crest, wave ridge波峰

129.wave hollow, wave trough波谷

129.wave period波浪周期

130.wind duration 风时


132.wave scale浪级

133.swell scale涌级

134.sea condition海况

135. breakers浪花 拍岸浪

137.Sea wave海浪

138.wave-chart 波浪图

139.prognostic wave-chart 波浪预告图

140.wave forecast 波浪预报




144.Slight sea 轻浪

145.Moderate sea中浪

146.Rough sea大浪

147.Very rough sea巨浪

148.High sea狂浪

149.Very high sea狂涛

150.Phenomenal sea怒涛

151.Weak swell弱涌

152.Moderate swell中涌

153.High swell强涌

154.No swell无涌

155.Confused swell乱涌

  • 发表于 2024-10-27 09:48
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